【凤凰网】全球战“疫”观察15 | 全球经济系统的生命力

发布时间:2020-4-13 14:21:00 来源:CCG



文字实录 | 全球经济系统的生命力


莫天安(Andy Mok)



凤凰卫视主持人朱梓橦:疫情还在蔓延,全球经济短期内受到负面影响已是不可避免。然而从长期来看,或许我们并不需要那么沮丧,就像我们今天请来的全球化智库高级研究员Andy Mok所说,全球经济系统有其自身的调节性,即便面对不可避免的灾难,也会迸发出独特的生命力。
we see hotels, airlines, restaurants are closing down. How do you think this is going to impact the global economy in the long term? How can we try and reduce the negative impact on the global economy?
全球化智库高级研究员Andy Mok(莫天安):if we think about the global economy, like the human body ,that airlines, you know all of these transport systems when they were talking about the movement of people or the movement of goods is the circulatory system. So once that stops, I think the impact will be very very negative. So in the short term, I think we’re still discovering how bad it’s going to be. In the long run, though, I think the global system is incredibly resilient and that adaptations will be made. This is a driver of innovation as well. So what do we look at? The boom and mobile a video conferencing.
It’s like we’re doing now. Right? Though there will be of course sectors that benefit. But I think also as new procedure rules and measures are taken that the forces of globalization or at the root economic and there’s too much to be gained from a globalized system. Some countries could opt out. I think the system itself is resilient and will read it out. But we still have to get through this short term pain.
And this reminds me of what jack ma said about the growing alibaba in the early days. He said, today is bad, tomorrow will be worse, the day after will be even worse. But the day after that would be beautiful. And I think that we’ll see something similar. Um, with this pandemic and its impact on the global economy.
主持人:Now you keep a close eye on technology and innovation. How do you think this pandemic is going to affect people’s everyday life going forward?
Andy Mok:certainly just like anyone that’s lived through any sort of major crisis, whether it was the stock market crash of 29 and the following depression 911, that these really shape a generation’s perceptions, habits, attitudes.This is where China has done an incredible job.
What I was impressed by was the level of detailed paid to making sure that this was a well managed process. And a lot of that is related to technology. So there are apps and you have to scan, et cetera. I think that this use of technology for contact tracing are other ways of quickly identifying any kind of outbreak living. South Korea has been a leader in this area as well. So I think we will see these kinds of systemic changes that will be less visible, but perhaps just as important.
主持人:What kind of businesses do you think face the biggest Challenge and what kind of businesses do you think will survive and perhaps do well because of this pandemic?
Andy Mok:Right now, the businesses that have been hit the hardest are the ones that directly depend on moving people. airlines, of course, I think have been shut down. I saw that. I think that for instance, US air traffic is down more than 90%. And the hotel industry in general has been very hard hit as well. So I think anything that is reliant on travel has suffered greatly.
Any of these businesses that rely on people moving around, whether that’s internationally or across cities, munich within a city have been hurt very badly. The winners so far course have been anything online. the vedio conferencing platforms, I think in China, e-commerce, the take away of food delivery places have done well. But that brings its own challenges.
Because when you think about all of the people going online that results in network depredation, it might even make systems crash. So it presents operational problems. So that doesn’t mean that this is entirely a positive. But//Now clearly the companies that are in the ppE, the personal protection equipment business. You’d have seen perhaps the opportunity for a kind of windfall profits. Again, if their supply chains are able to be maintained, if they’re able to produce, there is an enormous market.
I’ve worked in venture capital and private equity and work with startups. Some of the most successful startups were founded in the most challenging times. So I think that from a longer term cyclical perspective, we ought to see some game changing, world class companies come out of this crisis.





首播:周一至周五:19:15 – 19:20

重播 (1):周二至周六:09:40 – 09:45

重播 (2):周二至周六:13:55 - 14:00




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