【凤凰网】全球战“疫”观察 19 | 聚焦全球抗疫薄弱地带

发布时间:2020-4-17 17:20:00 来源:凤凰网


  新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,全球公共卫生专家们就一直在发出预警:新冠肺炎疫情对非洲大陆将是一个“重大威胁”。国际红十字会副主席Gilles Carbonnier亲身讲述如何帮助那些卫生系统相对脆弱的国家和地区走出困境?又能为本次疫情救助提供怎样的经验?全球化智库(CCG)联合凤凰卫视推出抗疫特别系列节目,资深专家深入解读!

文字实录 | 聚焦全球抗疫薄弱地带


Gilles Carbonnier(吉勒•卡尔博尼耶),红十字国际委员会副主席

凤凰卫视主持人朱梓橦:新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,全球公共卫生专家们就一直在发出预警:新冠肺炎疫情对非洲大陆将是一个重大威胁。今天我们请来在国际红十字会副主席Gilles Carbonnier,看看他们如何帮助那些卫生系统相对脆弱的国家和地区

主持人:Do you think the pandemics actually causing more damage to the poorer countries and regions as well as more vulnerable groups?


红十字国际委员会副主席Gilles Carbonnier(吉勒卡尔博尼耶)Absolutely. You’re right. I must say I’m afraid and even scared of what might happen if the virus spreads fast in the most fragile regions of the world, especially in countries that have been going through years of armed conflict, think of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Myanmar, south Sudan, etc. In these places, sometimes having access to soap, water to wash hands is a luxury no one can afford.


In some of these places, we see that maintaining social distance is impossible. Think of refugee camps of camps where displaced people flock together and you have overcrowding in it. And the same applies to prisons and places of the tensions. So this is why the international movement of the red cross and red crescent, we are mobilizing collectively to address this pre emptive with prevention measures.


主持人:Sure. Now it’s not looking too good in Africa. How do you think we can prevent Africa becoming the next epic center of the pandemic?


卡尔博尼耶:Let me give you a few examples, with national societies of the red cross and red crescent inner and throughout Africa, we provide accurate information so that people can prevent the spread with appropriate measures. And they can have accurate information through radio spots, through leaflets, flyers, posters, and TV sports, and a lot of helps to make sure that provincial hospitals in the keyboards, for instance, but also referral hospitals across the country are equipped in order to first test and detect, and then isolate and take appropriate measures to receive patients with the disease.


We have also started to train them, staff, health staff, in order to be able to take all the appropriate measures to protect themselves and to be able, through other provision, also personal protective equipments, to treat and address the pandemics.



主持人Now the international red cross has a lot of experience in dealing with outbreaks, and particularly, for example, has dealt with ebola. Do you think these experiences are helpful in dealing with that?


卡尔博尼耶:They are. very much. A lot of lessons have been drawn from fighting other pandemics, and with regard to ebola, the international committee of the red cross had been taken years back. Quite a number of measures, especially, for instance, to avoid the spread of ebola in prisons. Jails are typically overcrowded, and they’re taking preventive measures is simply not feasible unless we take a number of policies and measures with the detention authorities beforehand in order to make sure that the virus does not enter prison places, or if it enters, it is addressed very quickly.


So we are doing the same at present, we are supporting detention authorities in order to take exceptional measures, for instance, with the provisional isolation centers, we have started to increase our assistance, medical assistance, but also food assistance



主持人:During the pandemic, we see marginalization of certain groups and communities and some are because people are discriminated against either because of their race of other reasons. There are other issues such as certain groups of people are not getting sufficient protection against the virus. Do you think the pandemic is going to cause more social problems?  


We don’t need discrimination, we need solidarity. And it is true that we have seen often then with a pandemics, fear may give rise to discrimination, to exclusion, to finding scapegoats. And I think that this is something which must be avoided at all costs. So the international movement of the red cross and represent we are helping to provide and spread right information, correct information in order for everyone to take the appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the virus.


But we are also making sure that the most vulnerable gets appropriate support. So we are working hard with the residents and host communities and with the displaced communities to make sure that instead of discrimination, we see solidarity, which is absolutely crucial in order to face and address the pandemics.



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