【凤凰网】全球战“疫”观察 24 | 单边主义VS多边合作

发布时间:2020-4-26 14:32:00 来源:凤凰网


  疫情期间全球贸易必然缩减,特殊时期,各国尤其是像智利、瑞士这些对外贸依存度比较高的国家,如何才能寻找自己的经贸支撑,促进多边合作,避免单边主义的滋生呢?全球化智库(CCG)联合凤凰卫视推出抗疫特别系列节目,多维度视角解读疫情下的政治经济文化,周一至周五19:15 – 19:20,凤凰卫视中文台播出。

文字实录 | 单边主义vs多边合作


Jorge Heine,CCG高级研究员、智利前驻华大使

Martin Muller, CCG特邀嘉宾、中国瑞士商会会长。


So what is the status of the outbreak in chile right now?


Jorge:First, we have a relatively high number of cases in chile, second highest in Latin America, over 3000. But the good news is that the fatalities have been quite low, one of the lowest in the region. The government has been very proactive. They have been tracing people that are ill, they are isolating them. And let us keep our fingers crossed.


主持人:As we can see, the trade volume between China and chile in recent years have been going up. How do you think the pandemics is going to affect the status quo?


Jorge:And for quite sometime now for 10 years now, China has been the number one trading partner of chile. Now with everything that has been happening, obviously that will be affected. The price of copper has come down. Chile is the main produce and exporter of copper. China is the number one importer of consumer of copper.


And I think what we need to do, it seems to me, is to work on looking for ways more value can be added to what chile exports to China. One of the things I push for when I was at the embassy in beijing was to expand chile’s refining capacity. China has some comparative advantages there. Some of the biggest copper refining plants are in China. China has some very up to date cutting edge technology in that regard. That is something we could work on.



主持人:And we also know that banking, tourism, and insurance of these are the pillar industries for switzerland. How do you think these industries would be affected by the pandemic?


Martin:Normally we have winter season with skiing and thorns off. all the Asian from general young Asian tourists didn’t visit switzerland anymore, or only a few. And then when summer vacation comes and the countries are still locked. I think the Outlook is very, very bad for the tourism industry.


主持人:And then you mentioned banking. I don’t see a huge impact for the banking industry. Um, we have a little bit problems, because swiss franc is super strong compared to other currencies like the euro and US dollar.


Martin:Um, then insurance. It is a very important part of the swiss industry. And there might be also a huge impact, because the reinsurance company, the biggest reinsurance company, might face some huge claims. So let’s see, now at the moment that this is in in full swing in europe. It’s very hard to predict even the next two months. I’ve been in international trade and sales for more than 30 years and never seen this situation before.



主持人:Jorge, we often hear the term unilateralism in terms of international politics and international trade. How do you think we can improve global coordination and cooperation among different countries?

Jorge, 在国际政治和国际贸易中,我们经常听到“单边主义”这个词。您认为我们应该如何加强各国之间的协调与合作?

Jorge:And some people have said that what we have seen in the course of the past few months is sort of the end of globalism, the end of globalization, and of in the return of the nation state. The fact that many countries, including China, have essentially now closed their borders to foreigners and others have banned the export of medical equipment and protective gear would seem to confirm this.


Now, I would say that the failure of the european union to help their own members, you know, the case of Italy, was quite dramatic in that sense.At the same time, I would say there may be a silver lining in the midst of all this. One of the things that has come through is that countries have realized that the notion of just in time inventories that you really didn’t need very many things, because you could always order them from halfway across the world, including medical equipment.

(欧盟非常出乎意料的未能帮助他们成员国之一的意大利。但同时,希望依然存在,比如各国已经意识到 “即时库存”的概念,有时你真的不需要太多东西,因为你可以随时从其他地区订购它们,包括医疗设备

 if people realize that you cannot fight a a global pandemic with just national solution. I mean that doesn’t make any sense. By definition, a pandemic is global. And unless you look for global tools, unless you look for cooperation, unless you have early detection mechanisms, ways to short circuit the pandemic, this will repeat itself.


I mean pandemics have been with us since the beginning of time. They now travel much faster than they did in the past, and that means we need to cooperate a lot more.



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